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I/O Psychology Blogs

The online I/O psychology community is a bit scattered – one of the reasons that I started my own blog is because I couldn’t find many other I/O blogs.  So to prevent others from going through the same trouble, I decided to start and maintain a list.  If you aren’t on this list and think you should be, or if your blog is inaccurately described, let me know!

If you think the list is a little short, then you should start your own! I’d be happy to help!

Current I/O blogs:

  • I/O AT WORK “bridges the gap between I/O psychology and its application in the HR world (and beyond) by making it easy to access and apply difficult, hard to find, research.”
  • Minding the Workplace is “dedicated to news and commentary about work and employment relations.  Dignity at work, workplace bullying, employment & labor law, and psychologically healthy work environments are recurring themes.”
  • Workplace Psychology is written by I/O Ph.D. Steve Nguyen, “a professional with a unique blend of organizational understanding and psychological insight.”

Former I/O blogs, blogs that were I/O but have shifted, and blogs that don’t seem to update much anymore:

  • is run by Chelsea Rowe, who is a “Leadership Development Specialist” and self-described nerd, writes her blog in a familiar tone sharing I/O-type news.
  • is run by Eva, who described her previous blog as “A psychology perspective on business. This research-based and opinion-rich blog is intended to stimulate thought and conversation around why we do what we do and how we can do it better, both personally and professionally.” The blog has since moved to this address, but the focus remains much the same.
  • In the Jungle is run by George Guajardo, a manager at Lightspeed Research, who self-identifies as an I/O psychologist.
  • Foster Excellence is a blog by Ph.D. student in organizational science (M.S. in I/O) and his blog “exists to share numerous research perspectives and commentary on the complex issues facing the world of work and business.”
  • I/O Psychology Blog is a cleverly titled blog by David Deviney, the purpose of which is “to provide a simple, lively and quick resource for a range of topics relating to the psychology of leadership, management and work performance.”
  • Incentive Intelligence is the blog of i2i, a consultancy.  In this post, they said, “Our approach uses a lot of concepts and research that are grounded in motivation, social psychology and behavioral economics,” which you might or might not construe as I/O.
  • Jeremy Anglim’s Blog is, as you might expect, a blog written by Jeremy Anglim.  He describes himself on Twitter as a “Lecturer at University of Melbourne bridging I/O psychology and statistics: R User, blogger, social network analyst, & human performance researcher.”
  • occpsyched covers “the science of psychology applied to: business, work, individuals and organisations.”
  • OPRA’s Learning Blog, based out of New Zealand, states its goal is to “to facilitate discussion, active participation, dialogue and awareness in areas of relevance to organisations and IO Psychology.”
  • Organisation Solutions is a firm of several I/O psychologists that have started four blogs, each with a different focus: corporate strategy, cross-cultural issues, leadership, and a personal blog from their CEO.
  • The MBTI Blog is written by Breanne Porter, who describes herself as an “Organizational Development Consultant who consults with a myriad of corporate and governmental organizations, that make use of CPP’s numerous publications and assessments.”
  • Psych at Work is written by a Ph.D. student in I/O psychology and covers… well… psych at work! (also the author of Psychology Applied to Life)
  • The SIOP Exchange is the official blog of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. It has in the past been used for official discussions about I/O; for example, it once hosted a lively discussion regarding the potential name change for SIOP (to SWOP or SOP or some other silly thing).  Updates for this blog have been sporadic at points in the past but have become more regular in recent months.
  • Workplace Psychology (old version) is written by Steve Nguyen, also a Ph.D. student of I/O psychology, as well as a “consultant and trainer with experience in training & development, diversity & inclusion, education, mental health, and crisis management.”

Please note that I am trying to include only blogs that self-identify as I/O or cover topics that are more traditionally I/O than anything else – if it covers HR or OB but never mentions psychology, it probably won’t be listed here.